About Us

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Sastemakaan.com is a marketplace  where sellers can sell property or caterto those wish to rent a house. We know that buying and selling property is not easy. So, this platform is made to ensure that verified listing attract genuine buyers customers. partner with sastemakaan.com, post property for sale or post rent ad for free and enjoy the benefits of partnering  with us. We help you find joy and more.


looking at a property listing website that will effectively help you sell your house? Wondering where to advertise rentals? Join  Sastemaakn.com, a free  property listing site where in you can post free property ads online to list property for sale or post ad for rent. All  you need to do is furnish a comprehensive property list with accurate and relevant  details of your property.

In a matter of minutes, Sastemakaan.com will help your property get the much needed visibility. Property advertisements are the best way to reach out to potential homebuyers and tenants and shortlisting the best among the pool of the real estste listing websites should be your first step. A builder, an owner or an agent need not spend hours to sell house online or trying a hand at online rental. Listing property is a matter of a few minutes and your are done.

Sastemakaan.com has a commendable traffic and millions of prospective homebuyers and tenants visit the website every day. make the most of this opportunity to be visible and post unlimited real estate listings.

We are a progressive real estate marketing firm representing thriving properties and benefits for all, Yogesh Vaishnav and Associates is quite possibly the most notable and trusted name in the real estate market of Indore. In its 24 years of presence, the organization has cut a speciality for itself with its value of credibility and proficient solutions- staying flawless.

Known for its milestone accomplishment in promoting and marketing the absolute greatest lodging ventures of the city, Yogesh Vaishnav and Associates ensures and guarantees that it serves its clients in an ideal manner.  In its 24 years of presence, the organization has cut a speciality for itself with its value of credibility and proficient solutions- staying flawless.


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